GM-X ERP for Blockchain

This application is broken down into a series of subsystems, each with its own database. Each of the following sections will describe the various tables which exist in that subsystem's database. There are diagrams within each section which show the relationships between tables. In these diagrams each table is shown as a name within a box, and each relationship is shown as an arrow which connects one table with another. All relationships are of the ONE-to-MANY variety (also known as PARENT-to-CHILD or SENIOR-to-JUNIOR), and the direction of the arrow flows from the ONE/PARENT/SENIOR to the MANY/CHILD/JUNIOR, as in:

Figure 1 - a ONE-to-MANY relationship

one-to-many (1K)

This signifies that an occurrence of ONE can be related to many occurrences of MANY, but an occurrence of MANY can only be related to a single occurrence of ONE. Please also note the following:

In these relationship diagrams each box is a hyperlink which will take you to the description of the table named in the box.

Please note that there is also a separate document for Frequently Asked Questions.


  1. ALERT subsystem - Document approvals and attachments
  2. CONTENT subsystem - Content for static web pages
  3. FINANCE_AP subsystem - Accounts Payable
  4. FINANCE_AR subsystem - Accounts Receivable
  5. FINANCE_FA subsystem - Fixed Assets
  6. FINANCE_GL subsystem - General Ledger
  7. INVENTORY subsystem - Warehousing, Inventory and Stock Control
  8. INVOICE subsystem - Sales Invoices, Credit Notes and Debit Notes
  9. ORDER subsystem - Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders
  10. PARTY subsystem - Organisations, People, Addresses
  11. PERSONNEL subsystem - Employee Performance
  12. PRODUCT subsystem - Goods and Services
  13. PROJECT subsystem - Project Management
  14. REQUEST subsystem - Requests, Requirements and Quotations
  15. SHIPMENT subsystem - Packages, Shipments and Dispatch Events
  16. SURVEY subsystem - Surveys and Questionnaires
  17. WORK-EFFORT subsystem - Work Effort, Timesheets, Expenses and Leave
  18. Web Services

  19.   BLOCKCHAIN subsystem - Secure method of peer-to-peer communication
  20.   ROSETTANET subsystem - Web Services using RosettaNet
  21.   SOAP subsystem - Web Services using SOAP

PARTY subsystem - Organisations, People, Addresses

  1. CALENDAR_HEADER - identifies the different calendars which may be used within the system.
  2. CALENDAR_DATE - identifies the properties of each date within a calendar.
  3. CONTACT_MECHANISM - holds all the various mechanisms which may be used to contact parties
  4. CONTACT_MECHANISM_LINK - identifies when one mechanism is related to, or can be used as a substitute for, another mechanism
  5. CONTACT_MECH_PURPOSE_TYPE - identifies the purposes for which a party contact mechanism may be used
  6. CONTACT_MECHANISM_TYPE - identifies the various types of contact mechanism
  7. EMAIL_ATTACHMENT - holds any file which is attached to an email.
  8. EMAIL_AUTO_ATTACHMENT - identifies attachments which should be automatically added to outgoing emails.
  9. EMAIL_BLACKLIST - identifies email addresses for which auto-acknowledgements should not be sent out.
  10. EMAIL_CASE - identifies each case, which is a collection of related emails and notes.
  11. EMAIL_MAILBOX - identifies the email accounts that will be searched for incoming emails.
  12. EMAIL_MSG - holds all email messages, both sent and received.
  13. EMAIL_QUEUE - identifies all the queues for email processing.
  14. EMAIL_SCHEDULE - identifies emails which are to be sent at some time in the future.
  15. EMAIL_SIGNATURE - holds all user signatures that will be added to outgoing emails.
  16. EMAIL_SIGNATURE_ATTACHMENT - identifies when an automatic attachment needs to be added to outgoing emails for a particular email signature.
  17. EMAIL_TEMPLATE - contains templates for email messages which can be sent.
  18. GEOGRAPHIC_AREA - identifies are the geographic areas which may be used in postal addresses
  19. GEOGRAPHIC_AREA_HIERARCHY - identifies which smaller geographic area lies within a larger geographic area
  20. GEOGRAPHIC_AREA_TYPE - identifies geographic area types, such as postcode, town, county and country
  21. ORGANISATION - holds information on parties who are organisations
  22. ORGANISATION_SUBTYPE - a method of categorising organisations
  23. ORGANISATION_TYPE - a method of categorising organisations
  24. PARTY - holds information on all parties, both organisations and people
  25. PARTY_CLASS - a method of classification for parties
  26. PARTY_CONTACT_MECHANISM - identifies the actual contact mechanisms which are in use by a particular party
  27. PARTY_CONTACT_MECH_PURPOSE - identifies the different purposes for which a particular party contact mechanism may be used
  28. PARTY_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each party.
  29. PARTY_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each party.
  30. PARTY_IDENTIFICATION - holds the alternative identification values for each party
  31. PARTY_IDENTITY_TYPE - holds all the different identity types by which parties may be identified
  32. PARTY_NOTES - holds all notes generated while in contact with a party.
  33. PARTY_RELATIONSHIP - this identifies a relationship between two parties
  34. PARTY_ROLE_LINK - allows a party to have any number of roles
  35. PARTY_STATUS - identifies all the possible status values for a party.
  36. PARTY_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for a party.
  37. PARTY_SUBCLASS - a method of classification for parties
  38. PARTY_SUBCLASS_LINK - allows a party to have any number of classifications
  39. PARTY_TERMS - identifies the terms which have been added to a party.
  40. PERSON - holds information on parties who are people
  41. POSTAL_ADDRESS - identifies each postal address in use by the system
  42. POSTAL_ADDRESS_AREA - identifies the geographic areas that are used in each postal address
  43. POSTAL_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE - identifies which geographical area types apply to which country
  44. RELATIONSHIP_PRIORITY - holds the possible priority values for party relationships
  45. RELATIONSHIP_STATUS - holds the possible status values for party relationships
  46. RELATIONSHIP_TYPE - holds the possible types of party relationships
  47. ROLE_SUBTYPE - a narrower classification of the types of role which parties may have
  48. ROLE_TYPE - a broad classification of the types of role which parties may have
  49. TERM_TYPE - identifies the terms that may be added to a party.

PERSONNEL subsystem - Employee Performance

  1. JOB_FUNCTION - identifies the function that can be performed by an employee.
  2. JOB_GRADE - identifies the various job grades which are used within the organisation.
  3. JOB_GRADE_AREA - identifies the maximum salary for different job grades in different areas.
  4. PERFORMANCE_GRADE - identifies how an employee has performed during the period being assessed/appraised.
  5. EMPLOYEE - identifies all employees who can be assessed.
  6. EMPLOYEE_ASSESSMENT - contains the details of the employee's assessment for a particular period.
  7. EMPLOYEE_ASSMT_APPRAISAL - contains the details of each appraisal for an employee within an assessment period.
  8. ASSESSMENT_STATUS_HIST - identifies the history of the changes in status of each assessment.
  9. APPRAISAL_STATUS_HIST - identifies the history of the changes in status of each appraisal.

PRODUCT subsystem - Goods and Services

  1. BOM_TYPE - identifies the different Bill Of Material (BOM) types which may exist
  2. COMPATIBLE_PRODUCTS - identifies where one product is compatible with another
  3. CONFIG_CONDITION_TYPE - identifies the different product configuration condition types which may exist
  4. CONFIG_CONDITION_SUBTYPE - identifies the different product configuration condition subtypes which may exist
  5. COST_ELEMENT - identifies the various cost elements used in product costing.
  6. DEFAULT_FEATURE - identifies a default feature for a feature category
  7. EMISSION_FACTOR - emission factors for carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) greenhouse gases (GHG)
  8. GTIN - holds all the GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers) used within the application.
  9. PARTY_PRICE_EXCLUSION - identifies all those classes of party who are excluded from particular price components
  10. PREFERENCE_TYPE - identifies a preference type or priority that may be linked with product replenishment details
  11. PRICE_COMPONENT - holds all the product prices, discounts, surcharges and taxes used in the compilation of sales orders
  12. PRODUCT - holds details of all goods and services
  13. PRODUCT_CATEGORY - a list of all the categories by which any product can be classified
  14. PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SEO - holds SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) data for each product category.
  15. PROD_CAT_CLASS - a list of all the categories which apply to a particular product
  16. PROD_CAT_FEATURE_APPLICABILITY - a list of all the features which apply to a particular product category
  17. PROD_CAT_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each product category
  18. PROD_CAT_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each product category
  19. PROD_CAT_LEVEL - a method of placing categories into different groups or levels
  20. PROD_CAT_ROLLUP - allows product categories to be arranged into hierarchies of sub-categories
  21. PRODUCT_BOM_TYPE - identifies which BOM types are valid for a product
  22. PRODUCT_CONTROLS - contains configuration variables.
  23. PRODUCT_COST - contains unit costs by product, BOM type, revision, valuation type and cost element.
  24. PRODUCT_COMPONENT - identifies a Bill of Materials (BOM) where a product is comprised of other products
  25. PRODUCT_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each product
  26. PRODUCT_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each product
  27. PRODUCT_IDENTIFICATION - holds the alternative identification values for each product
  28. PRODUCT_IDENTITY_TYPE - holds all the different identity types by which products may be identified
  29. PRODUCT_FEATURE - identifies all the various features, options, and variations that may be applied to any product
  30. PRODUCT_SEO - holds SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) data for each product.
  31. PROD_FEATURE_APPLICABILITY - identifies which particular features apply to which particular products
  32. PROD_FEATURE_CAT_APPLIC - identifies which particular feature categories apply to which particular products
  33. PROD_FEATURE_COMPONENT - identifies a feature which is comprised of other features
  34. PROD_FEATURE_CUSTOMISATION - identifies if a customisation value for this feature is required or not
  35. PROD_FEATURE_UOM - identifies where a feature has one or more measurements associated with it
  36. PRODUCT_FEATURE_CATEGORY - identifies all the different categories of product feature which may be used
  37. PROD_FEAT_CAT_CUSTOMISATION - identifies where a feature which can be added to a product requires some customisation
  38. PROD_FEAT_CAT_UOM - identifies where the features within a category have one or more associated measurements
  39. PROD_FEATURE_INTERACTION - identifies which features are incompatible with or dependent upon other features for the same product
  40. PRODUCT_REVISION - identifies the revision/version history for a product.
  41. PROD_REV_STATUS - identifies the different revision status values that may exist.
  42. PROD_REV_STATUS_HIST - identifies the history of status changes for each product revision.
  43. PRODUCT_SUPPLIER - identifies which products are available from which suppliers.
  44. RATING_TYPE - used to rate the overall performance of a product which is obtained from a particular supplier.
  45. UNIT_OF_MEASURE - identifies all the units of measurement in use by the enterprise.
  46. UOM_CATEGORY - identifies different categories of measurement such as weight, length and volume.
  47. UOM_CONVERSION - allows a quantity in one unit of measurement to be converted to the equivalent quantity in another unit of measure.

ORDER subsystem - Sales Orders and Purchase Orders

  1. BASKET - holds the identities of saved shopping baskets.
  2. BASKET_ITEM - holds the items for saved shopping baskets.
  3. BASKET_ITEM_FEATURE - holds the features for saved shopping basket items.
  4. BASKET_ITEM_FEATURE_CUSTOMISATION - identifies any customisation values which apply to a selected feature.
  5. DISCOUNT_CODE - lists discount/promotion codes which may be added to sales orders.
  6. ITEM_ADJUSTMENT_TYPE - lists discounts and surcharges which may be applied to products when they are added to sales orders.
  7. ITEM_CONTACT_MECHANISM - identifies contact mechanisms which apply to items within an order.
  8. ITEM_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the types of role with which parties can be related to order items.
  9. NON_CONFORMANCE_STATUS - identifies all the possible states through which a non-conformance report may go.
  10. NON_CONFORMANCE_REPORT - identifies where a supplied item does not meet the required standard.
  11. ORDER_ADJUSTMENT - identifies those adjustments (surcharges or discounts) which apply to an order.
  12. ORDER_ADJUSTMENT_TYPE - lists discounts and surcharges which may be applied to the total value of sales orders.
  13. ORDER_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each order.
  14. ORDER_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each order.
  15. ORDER_CONTACT_MECHANISM - identifies contact mechanisms which apply to an order.
  16. ORDER_HEADER - holds information about the order as a whole.
  17. ORDER_ITEM - holds information on individual items with an order.
  18. ORDER_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT - identifies those adjustments (surcharges or discounts) which apply to an order item.
  19. ORDER_ITEM_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each order item.
  20. ORDER_ITEM_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each order item.
  21. ORDER_ITEM_FEATURE - identifies which optional features have been added to an order item.
  22. ORDER_ITEM_FEATURE_CUSTOMISATION - identifies any customisation values which apply to a selected product feature.
  23. ORDER_ITEM_ROLE - identified the roles that various parties have with an order item.
  24. ORDER_ITEM_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for an order item.
  25. ORDER_ITEM_STATUS_TYPE - identifies all the possible states through which an order item may go.
  26. ORDER_ITEM_TERMS - identifies the terms which have been added to an order item.
  27. ORDER_PAYMENT - records payments made through an online gateway.
  28. ORDER_PAYMENT_GATEWAY - identifies the different payment methods.
  29. ORDER_PAYMENT_STATUS - records status values which may be returned by the payment gateway for use as search criteria.
  30. ORDER_QUOTE_LINK - identifies a order which is related to a quotation.
  31. ORDER_REQUEST_LINK - identifies a order which is related to a request.
  32. ORDER_REQUIREMENT_LINK - identifies a order which is related to a requirement.
  33. ORDER_ROLE - identifies the roles that various parties have with an order.
  34. ORDER_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the types of role with which parties can be related to an order.
  35. ORDER_SHIPMENT_LINK - identifies a order which is related to a shipment.
  36. ORDER_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for an order.
  37. ORDER_STATUS_RULES - provides a method of identifying which changes in order status are valid.
  38. ORDER_STATUS_TYPE - identifies all the possible states through which an order may go.
  39. ORDER_STATUS_TYPE_ATTACHMENT - identifies when an automatic attachment needs to be added to outgoing emails for a particular change in status.
  40. ORDER_TERMS - identifies the terms which have been added to an order.
  41. PURCHASE_ORDER_BUILD - identifies items on sales orders which need to be turned into purchase orders.
  42. QUANTITY_BREAK - define variable discounts based on the quantity of a product which is ordered.
  43. RELATED_ORDER_ITEM - identifies when one order item is related to another.
  44. RESERVED_ITEM - identifies where inventory has been reserved for an order item.
  45. SALE_TYPE - identifies the different mechanisms through which sales can be made.
  46. VALUE_BREAK - define variable discounts based on an order's value.

INVENTORY subsystem - Warehousing, Inventory and Stock Control

  1. CONTAINER - identifies containers used for storing inventory items.
  2. CONTAINER_MOVEMENT - identifies when a container moves from one facility to another.
  3. CONTAINER_TYPE - identifies different types of container, such as bins or boxes.
  4. FACILITY - identifies all the locations, such as warehouses, where inventory may be stored.
  5. FACILITY_CONTACT_MECHANISM - identifies which contact mechanisms are available for which facilities.
  6. FACILITY_ROLE - identifies where a party has a role with a facility.
  7. FACILITY_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the different types of role that a party may play with a facility.
  8. FACILITY_TYPE - identifies the different types of facility, such as warehouse, that may exist within an organisation.
  9. INVENTORY_ITEM - indicates a product which is held in storage at one or more locations.
  10. INVENTORY_ITEM_FEATURE - identifies any optional features which have been selected with an inventory item.
  11. INVENTORY_ITEM_FEATURE_CUSTOMISATION - identifies any customisation values which apply to an inventory item's features.
  12. INVENTORY_ITEM_MOVEMENT - identifies when a quantity of an inventory item is moved from one container to another.
  13. INVENTORY_ITEM_PRICE - identifies the price of a product which is held in inventory.
  14. INVENTORY_ITEM_STATUS - identifies all the possible status values for an inventory item.
  15. INVENTORY_ITEM_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for an inventory item.
  16. INVENTORY_ITEM_VARIANCE - identifies each variance in the available stock level for an inventory item.
  17. INVENTORY_VARIANCE_REASON - identifies reasons for an inventory item variance.
  18. ISSUANCE_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the various roles that different parties may play with an item issuance.
  19. ITEM_ISSUANCE - identifies each time a quantity is issued from stock.
  20. ITEM_ISSUANCE_FEATURE - identifies which features were included with a particular item issuance.
  21. ITEM_ISSUANCE_ROLE - identifies the role that a party plays in an item issuance.
  22. ITEM_RECEIPT identifies each time a quantity is received into stock.
  24. LOT - identifies a group of items that were part of the same production run.
  25. LOT_PRODUCT - identifies each product which is included in a lot.
  26. PICKLIST_DTL - identifies all the products which need to be picked from inventory to satisfy a particular order.
  27. PICKLIST_HDR - identifies those orders which have items in a picklist.
  28. REORDER_GUIDELINE - identifies each product's reorder levels and reorder quantities.
  29. STOCKCHECK_DTL - identifies which items are to be inspected during a particular stock check event.
  30. STOCKCHECK_HDR - identifies a stock check event at a particular facility.

SHIPMENT subsystem - Packages, Shipments and Dispatch Events

  1. CARRIER_SHIPMENT_METHOD - identifies which shipment methods are used by which carriers.
  2. DISPATCH_EVENT - identifies every instance when shipments leave the premises to be delivered to their recipients.
  3. DROP_SHIPMENT_ITEM - identifies items which a supplier will ship direct to the customer.
  4. ITEM_RECEIPT_ROLE - identifies the parties who play a role in the receipt of items from incoming shipments.
  5. PACKAGE - a container for items in both outgoing and incoming shipments.
  6. PACKAGE_DISPATCH_EVENT - identifies which packages were part of the same dispatch event.
  7. PACKAGE_IN_CONTENT - identifies the items contained in a package from an incoming shipment.
  8. PACKAGE_IN_FEATURE - identifies the features for an item contained in a package from an incoming shipment.
  9. PACKAGE_IN_FEATURE_CUSTOMISATION - identifies the customisation values which apply to an item feature contained in a package from an incoming shipment.
  10. PACKAGE_OUT_CONTENT - identifies the items contained in a package from an outgoing shipment.
  11. PACKAGE_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for an outbound package.
  12. RECEIPT_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the types of role that a party may have when receiving items from incoming shipments.
  13. REJECTION_REASON - identifies the reasons for which items may be rejected and returned instead of being booked into inventory.
  14. RETURN_MATL_AUTH_HDR - identifies where a customer wants to return goods for one reason or another.
  15. RETURN_MATL_AUTH_ITEM - identifies the items that a customer wishes to return.
  16. RETURN_MATL_AUTH_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for an RMA.
  17. SHIPMENT - one or more packages for a single recipient from a single order, either outgoing or incoming.
  18. SHIPMENT_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the types of role that a party may have when dealing with a shipment.
  19. SHIPMENT_ROLE - identifies the parties who play a role in a shipment.
  20. SHIPMENT_DISPATCH_EVENT - identifies which shipments were part of the same dispatch event.
  21. SHIPMENT_METHOD_TYPE - identifies the different ways in which items can be shipped.
  22. SHIPMENT_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for a shipment.
  23. SPLR_PACKAGE - identifies the packages within an Advance Shipment Notification (ASN).
  24. SPLR_PACKAGE_CONTENT - identifies the contents of packages within an Advance Shipment Notification (ASN).
  25. SPLR_SHIPMENT - identifies all Advance Shipment Notifications (ASN).
  26. VEHICLE - identifies the different vehicles that the organisation may use for shipments.
  27. VEHICLE_TYPE - identifies the different types of vehicle that the organisation may use for shipments.

REQUEST subsystem - Requests, Requirements and Quotations

  1. HEADER_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be added to quotes or requests.
  2. ITEM_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be added to quote items or request items.
  3. QUOTE_HEADER - identifies all the quotations issued by the enterprise.
  4. QUOTE_HEADER_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each quote.
  5. QUOTE_ITEM - identifies all the items within a quotation.
  6. QUOTE_ITEM_FEATURE - identifies all the features which apply to each quote item.
  7. QUOTE_ITEM_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each quote item.
  9. QUOTE_ITEM_STATUS_HIST - identifies the status history for a quote item.
  10. QUOTE_ITEM_STATUS_TYPE - identifies all the possible status values for a quote item.
  11. QUOTE_ITEM_TERMS - identifies all the terms which have been added to a quote item.
  12. QUOTE_ROLE - identifies the roles that various parties have with a quotation.
  13. QUOTE_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the types of role with which parties can be related to a quotation.
  14. QUOTE_STATUS_HIST - identifies the status history for a quotation.
  15. QUOTE_STATUS_TYPE - identifies all the possible status values for a quotation.
  16. QUOTE_TERMS - identifies all the terms which have been added to a quotation.
  17. QUOTE_TYPE - identifies all the possible quotation types.
  18. REQUEST - identifies all the requests issued by the enterprise.
  19. REQUEST_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each request.
  20. REQUEST_ITEM - identifies all the items within a request.
  21. REQUEST_ITEM_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each request item.
  22. REQUEST_NOTES - holds any comments or notes regarding the request.
  23. REQUEST_ROLE - identifies which party plays which role in a request.
  24. REQUEST_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the different types of role that parties may play in a request.
  25. REQUEST_TYPE - identifies the different types of request that may be processed.
  26. REQUEST_STATUS_TYPE - identifies all the possible states through which a request may go.
  27. REQUEST_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for a request.
  28. REQUIREMENT - identifies an organisation's need for something.
  29. REQUIREMENT_COMPONENT - identifies if the required product is composed of component parts.
  30. REQUIREMENT_PARTY_TYPE - identifies the type of party, either internal or external, which is associated with a requirement.
  31. REQUIREMENT_REQUEST - provides a link between a requirement and a request item.
  32. REQUIREMENT_ROLE - identifies which party plays which role in a requirement.
  33. REQUIREMENT_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the different types of role that parties may play in a requirement.
  34. REQUIREMENT_TYPE - identifies whether a requirement is for a product or for some work.
  35. REQUIREMENT_STATUS_TYPE - identifies all the possible states through which a requirement may go.
  36. REQUIREMENT_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for a requirement.
  37. RESPONDING_PARTY - identifies the parties that may respond to a request, with their contact mechanisms.
  38. TERM_TYPE - identifies the terms that may be added to a quotation.

INVOICE subsystem - Sales Invoices and Credit Notes

  1. EMAIL_TEXT - identifies text which is to be used as the SUBJECT and MESSAGE when emailing an invoice to a customer.
  2. INVOICE_HEADER - This holds information about the invoice as a whole.
  3. INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT - identifies adjustments (surcharges or discounts) which apply to an invoice as a whole.
  4. INVOICE_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each invoice.
  5. INVOICE_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each invoice.
  6. INVOICE_ITEM - holds information on individual items with an invoice.
  7. INVOICE_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT - identifies those adjustments (surcharges or discounts) which apply to an invoice item.
  8. INVOICE_ITEM_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each invoice item.
  9. INVOICE_ITEM_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each invoice item.
  10. INVOICE_ITEM_FEATURE - identifies any optional features which have been selected with an invoice item.
  11. INVOICE_ITEM_FEATURE_CUSTOMISATION - identifies any customisation values which apply to a selected feature.
  12. INVOICE_ITEM_TERMS - identifies the terms which have been added to an invoice item.
  13. INVOICE_ROLE - identifies the roles that various parties have with an invoice.
  14. INVOICE_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the types of role with which parties can be related to an invoice.
  15. INVOICE_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for an invoice.
  16. INVOICE_STATUS_TYPE - identifies all the possible states through which an invoice may go.
  17. INVOICE_TERMS - identifies the terms which have been added to an invoice

WORK-EFFORT subsystem - Work Effort, Timesheets, Expenses and Leave

  1. ASSIGNMENT_ROLE - identifies a party's role when assigned to a work effort.
  2. EVENT - identifies what event took place, when, and by whom.
  3. EXPENSE_TYPE - identifies the various types of expense item which may be recorded.
  4. EXPENSE_ITEM - identifies a particular item of expenditure that was incurred against a particular work item on a particular date.
  5. TIMESHEET - identifies a grouping of timesheet entries for a particular party for a particular week.
  6. TIMESHEET_ENTRY - identifies the number of hours worked by a particular party for a particular work effort on a particular date.
  7. TIMESHEET_ROLE - identifies the various parties that may be associated with a particular timesheet, and their roles.
  8. TIMESHEET_ROLE_TYPE - identifies the various roles which parties may have in relation to timesheets.
  9. WORK_EFFORT - identifies an item of work that needs to be done.
  10. WORK_EFFORT_ASSIGNMENT - identifies those parties who are assigned to work on particular work efforts.
  11. WORK_EFFORT_COMPONENT - identifies products which are components of the bills of material (BOM) for work efforts.
  13. WORK_EFFORT_PARTY - identifies those parties who can be assigned to take part in work efforts.
  14. WORK_EFFORT_PURPOSE - identifies the purpose of the work effort.
  15. WORK_EFFORT_STATUS_HIST - keeps a history of all changes in status for a work effort.
  16. WORK_EFFORT_STATUS_TYPE - identifies all the possible states through which a work effort may be progressed.
  17. WORK_EFFORT_TYPE - identifies the type of work effort.

CONTENT subsystem - Content for static web pages

  1. CONTENT_TYPE - identifies the different types or categories of content.
  2. CONTENT - provides the content for a particular item.
  3. CONTENT_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - provides an association between a CONTENT entry and one or more PRODUCT CATEGORY entries.
  4. CONTENT_PRODUCT_FEATURE - provides an association between a CONTENT entry and one or more PRODUCT FEATURE entries.

SURVEY subsystem - Surveys and Questionnaires

  1. ANSWER_OPTION - when an answer is to be chosen from a list of options then this identifies what those options are.
  2. DEFAULT_PROMPT - identifies a range of possible prompt values which may be linked to any question in the survey.
  3. INVITED_ANONYMOUS - this is used when a person's response needs to be kept anonymous.
  4. INVITED_PARTIES - identifies each person who will be invited to participate in the survey.
  5. NUMBER_OPTION - when an answer is a number this identifies the minimum and maximum allowable values.
  6. QUESTION_PROMPT - identifies the range of actual prompt values for each question in the survey.
  7. RISK_STATUS - identifies the possible risk status values for a question in a survey.
  8. RISK_WEIGHTING - identifies the possible risk weighting values for an answer in a survey.
  9. SURVEY_ANSWER_DTL - holds the person's answer to each question.
  10. SURVEY_ANSWER_HDR - identifies which set of answers belongs to which person who may be "Anonymous").
  11. SURVEY_HDR - identifies each different Survey/Questionnaire with its own range of dates, sections and questions.
  12. SURVEY_QUESTION - identifies the individual questions within a survey.
  13. SURVEY_SECTION - identifies the different sections (question groups) within a survey.
  14. SURVEY_STATUS_HIST - shows every change in status for a Survey/Questionnaire.
  15. SURVEY_STATUS_TYPE - identifies the different status values which are possible for a survey.
  16. SURVEY_TYPE - identifies the different types of survey which may be created.

BLOCKCHAIN subsystem

  1. BLOCKCHAIN_CHAIN - identifies the chain name used to communicate with other nodes in the network.
  2. BLOCKCHAIN_NODE - identifies the blockchain address for each node in the network.
  3. BLOCKCHAIN_STREAM - identifies the streams which are available within each chain.
  4. BLOCKCHAIN_TRIGGER - identifies events which cause a blockchain message to be generated.
  5. RELATED_TABLE - identifies additional tables to be included in the blockchain message when a trigger is fired.


  1. CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS - This holds the identifier, name and description for each chart of accounts utilised by the various functional units.
  2. FISCAL_CALENDAR_HEADER - This holds information about each fiscal calendar system.
  3. FISCAL_CALENDAR_PERIOD - This identifies every fiscal period with each fiscal year within a particular fiscal calendar.
  4. FUNCTIONAL_UNIT - This holds information for each functional unit (business entity) which is using this general ledger system.
  5. FUNC_UNIT_FEATURE_CAT - This identifies various accounts that the GM-X application utilises for specific product feature categories, if different from the default accounts.
  6. FUNC_UNIT_PRICE_COMPONENT - This identifies various accounts that the GM-X application utilises for specific price components, if different from the default accounts.
  7. FUNC_UNIT_PROD_CAT - This identifies various accounts that the GM-X application utilises for specific product categories, if different from the default accounts.
  8. FUNC_UNIT_INV_VAR_REASON - This identifies the income or expense account that the GM-X application utilises for each inventory variance reason.
  9. FUNC_UNIT_WRK_EFF_PURPOSE - This identifies accounts that the GM-X application utilises for specific work effort purposes.
  10. GL_ACCOUNT - This holds the list of accounts for each chart of accounts.
  11. GL_ACCOUNT_OPENING_BALANCE - This holds the opening balances and budgets for each functional unit and account.
  12. GL_ACCOUNT_PERIOD_BALANCE - This holds the current balances and budgets for each functional unit, account and fiscal period.
  13. EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE - This identifies the various types of exchange rates utilised when translating an entity's results from functional currency to reporting currency.
  14. GL_EXCHANGE_RATE - This holds the exchange rates between functional and reporting currencies that are utilised for currency translation processing.
  15. JOURNAL_ENTRY_HEADER - This holds information about journal entries.
  16. JOURNAL_ENTRY_ITEM - This holds accounts and amounts for each journal entry item.
  17. JOURNAL_ENTRY_STATUS_TYPE - This holds information about each journal entry status.
  18. JOURNAL_ENTRY_STATUS_HIST - This holds the status history for each journal entry.
  19. RECURRING_JE_HEADER - This holds information about recurring journal entries.
  20. RECURRING_JE_ITEM - This holds accounts, amounts and instructions for each recurring journal entry.
  21. STANDING_JE_HEADER - This holds information about standing journal entries.
  22. STANDING_JE_ITEM - This holds information for each standing journal entry item.
  23. SUBSYSTEM_JE_TEMPLATE_HEADER - This holds information for each standing journal entry item.
  24. SUBSYSTEM_JE_TEMPLATE_ITEM - This holds line item information, including accounts, for each subsystem journal entry template.


  1. AR_PARTY_RELATIONSHIP - This identifies the customers for each functional unit.
  2. SETTLEMENT_HEADER - This holds information on each individual settlement.
  3. SETTLEMENT_ITEM - This holds information on each item with a settlement.
  4. SETTLEMENT_ITEM_APPLIED - This holds information on each credit/debit note item which was applied to a settlement item.
  5. SETTLEMENT_STATUS_TYPE - This identifies the different status values for a settlement.
  6. SETTLEMENT_STATUS_HIST - This identifies the status history for each settlement.


  1. AP_PARTY_RELATIONSHIP - This identifies the vendors/suppliers for each functional unit.
  2. FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT - This identifies the financial accounts for each of the parties on the AP_PARTY_RELATIONSHIP table.
  3. INVOICE_ACCOUNT_HEADER - This holds information for each supplier invoice, supplier credit note or supplier debit note in the system.
  4. INVOICE_ACCOUNT_ITEM - This holds the general ledger account distribution for each INVOICE_HEADER entry representing a supplier invoice, supplier credit note or supplier debit note.
  5. PAYMENT_BATCH - This identifies which payments are to be processed in which batch.
  6. PAYMENT_BATCH_STATUS_HIST - This keeps a history of all changes in status for a payment batch.
  7. PAYMENT_BATCH_STATUS_TYPE - This identifies all the possible states through which a payment batch may go.
  8. PAYMENT_HEADER - This holds information about each payment or settlement.
  9. PAYMENT_ITEM_APPLIED - This holds information about each of the supplier credit notes and/or debit notes which are applied against a supplier invoice or debit note.
  10. PAYMENT_ITEM_SETTLED - This holds information about each of the supplier invoices which are settled by a payment and/or the application of a credit note.
  11. PAYMENT_OUTPUT - This allows one or more transaction outputs to be defined as the source of funds for a payment.
  12. PAYMENT_STATUS_HIST - This keeps a history of all changes in status for a payment.
  13. PAYMENT_STATUS_TYPE - This identifies all the possible states through which a payment may go.
  14. SUPPLIER_INVOICE_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each invoice.
  15. SUPPLIER_INVOICE_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each invoice.
  16. SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ITEM_EXTRA_NAMES - this identifies the names of extra fields which can be held for each invoice item.
  17. SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ITEM_EXTRA_VALUES - this holds the values for any extra fields for each invoice item.
  18. SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ROLE - This identifies the roles that various parties have with an invoice.
  19. SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ROLE_TYPE - This identifies the types of role with which parties can be related to an invoice.
  20. SUPPLIER_INVOICE_STATUS_HIST - This keeps a history of all changes in status for an invoice.
  21. SUPPLIER_INVOICE_STATUS_TYPE - This identifies all the possible states through which an invoice may go.
  22. UNISSUED_FORMS - This holds information about forms which were consumed but not issued for a payment batch.

FIXED ASSETS subsystem

  1. ASSET - provides basic information for individual assets.
  2. ASSET_BOOK_EVENT - contains the event history for each asset and its owners.
  3. ASSET_BOOK_PERIOD - contains information about depreciation or amortisation taken for each for asset, vintage account or general asset account book, by fiscal year and period.
  4. ASSET_BOOK_TYPE - holds information about the types of depreciation or amortisation books that can be maintained for assets, vintage accounts or general asset accounts.
  5. ASSET_CONTACT_MECHANISM - indicates which CONTACT_MECHANISMs are used by which ASSETs.
  6. ASSET_EVENT - optional history of data points ("dots") for each asset and characteristic
  7. ASSET_GROUP - identifies the names of groups to which assets can belong.
  8. ASSET_OWNER - contains information about the business entities which own each asset.
  9. ASSET_OWNER_BOOK - contains information about each of the depreciation or amortisation methods utilised by the business entities which own each asset, vintage account or general asset account.
  10. ASSET_SERVICE_TYPE - holds information about the types of maintenance, repair and overhaul services which can be performed for specific assets.
  11. ASSET_STATUS_HIST - holds the status history for each asset.
  12. ASSET_STATUS_TYPE - holds information about each asset status.
  13. DEPRECIATION_METHOD - holds information about the methods of depreciation or amortisation which can be utilised to measure the capital consumption of assets.
  14. FAULT_TYPE - holds information about the types of faults or breakdowns which may be recorded in the event history for an asset and its owners.
  15. GENERAL_ASSET_ACCOUNT - identifies the names of general asset accounts in which assets can be grouped for the purpose of calculating depreciation or amortisation.
  16. PRICE_INDEX - holds official price deflator data such as a consumer price index (CPI), allowing an asset's estimated replacement cost to be calculated for insurance purposes.
  17. SERVICE_TYPE - holds information about the types of maintenance, repair and overhaul services which can be performed for assets.
  18. VINTAGE_ACCOUNT - identifies the names of vintage accounts in which assets can be grouped for the purpose of calculating depreciation or amortisation.

ROSETTANET subsystem

(This subsystem does not contain any tables.)

SOAP subsystem

(This subsystem does not contain any tables.)

ALERT subsystem - Document approvals and attachments

  1. ALERT - holds details of any alerts.
  2. ALERT_DETAIL - holds details of any files attached to an alert.


  1. PM_DOCUMENT - This holds all external files and documents which have been uploaded.
  2. PM_ISSUE - This holds the details of any issues which have been raised.
  3. PM_SCHEDULE_HDR - This identifies each project for which activities will be recorded.
  4. PM_SCHEDULE - This holds details of each activity within a project.

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